为了在真实硬件平台上安全可靠的任何机器人控制器的安全部署,通常是在现实的仿真环境中使用特定机器人全面评估控制器的性能的必要练习。尽管有几种可以为此目的提供核心物理引擎的软件解决方案,但通常是繁琐且容易出错的努力,将模拟环境与机器人控制器进行评估。控制器可能具有一个复杂的结构,该结构由有限状态机(FSM)内的多个状态和过渡组成,甚至可能需要通过GUI输入。在这项工作中,我们提出了MC-Mujoco,这是一个开源软件框架,该框架在Mujoco Physics Simulator和MC-RTC机器人控制框架之间形成接口。我们提供实施详细信息,并描述为基本上任何新机器人提供支持的过程。我们还展示并发布了一个样品FSM控制器,用于通过Mujoco中的HRP-5P人形机器人对刚性对象进行两足球运动和稳定的抓握。 MC-Mujoco,已开发的机器人模块和FSM控制器的代码和使用说明可在线获得。
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基于腿部机器人的基于深的加固学习(RL)控制器表现出令人印象深刻的鲁棒性,可在不同的环境中为多个机器人平台行走。为了在现实世界中启用RL策略为类人类机器人应用,至关重要的是,建立一个可以在2D和3D地形上实现任何方向行走的系统,并由用户命令控制。在本文中,我们通过学习遵循给定步骤序列的政策来解决这个问题。该政策在一组程序生成的步骤序列(也称为脚步计划)的帮助下进行培训。我们表明,仅将即将到来的2个步骤喂入政策就足以实现全向步行,安装到位,站立和攀登楼梯。我们的方法采用课程学习对地形的复杂性,并规避了参考运动或预训练的权重的需求。我们证明了我们提出的方法在Mujoco仿真环境中学习2个新机器人平台的RL策略-HRP5P和JVRC -1-。可以在线获得培训和评估的代码。
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Deep image prior (DIP) has recently attracted attention owing to its unsupervised positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction, which does not require any prior training dataset. In this paper, we present the first attempt to implement an end-to-end DIP-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction method that incorporates a forward-projection model into a loss function. To implement a practical fully 3D PET image reconstruction, which could not be performed due to a graphics processing unit memory limitation, we modify the DIP optimization to block-iteration and sequentially learn an ordered sequence of block sinograms. Furthermore, the relative difference penalty (RDP) term was added to the loss function to enhance the quantitative PET image accuracy. We evaluated our proposed method using Monte Carlo simulation with [$^{18}$F]FDG PET data of a human brain and a preclinical study on monkey brain [$^{18}$F]FDG PET data. The proposed method was compared with the maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (EM), maximum-a-posterior EM with RDP, and hybrid DIP-based PET reconstruction methods. The simulation results showed that the proposed method improved the PET image quality by reducing statistical noise and preserved a contrast of brain structures and inserted tumor compared with other algorithms. In the preclinical experiment, finer structures and better contrast recovery were obtained by the proposed method. This indicated that the proposed method can produce high-quality images without a prior training dataset. Thus, the proposed method is a key enabling technology for the straightforward and practical implementation of end-to-end DIP-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction.
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List-mode positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction is an important tool for PET scanners with many lines-of-response and additional information such as time-of-flight and depth-of-interaction. Deep learning is one possible solution to enhance the quality of PET image reconstruction. However, the application of deep learning techniques to list-mode PET image reconstruction has not been progressed because list data is a sequence of bit codes and unsuitable for processing by convolutional neural networks (CNN). In this study, we propose a novel list-mode PET image reconstruction method using an unsupervised CNN called deep image prior (DIP) which is the first trial to integrate list-mode PET image reconstruction and CNN. The proposed list-mode DIP reconstruction (LM-DIPRecon) method alternatively iterates the regularized list-mode dynamic row action maximum likelihood algorithm (LM-DRAMA) and magnetic resonance imaging conditioned DIP (MR-DIP) using an alternating direction method of multipliers. We evaluated LM-DIPRecon using both simulation and clinical data, and it achieved sharper images and better tradeoff curves between contrast and noise than the LM-DRAMA, MR-DIP and sinogram-based DIPRecon methods. These results indicated that the LM-DIPRecon is useful for quantitative PET imaging with limited events while keeping accurate raw data information. In addition, as list data has finer temporal information than dynamic sinograms, list-mode deep image prior reconstruction is expected to be useful for 4D PET imaging and motion correction.
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